Pay It Forward Bags
How It All Started
Pay it Forward Bags was created after my first Breast Cancer operation. With a busy mind which doesn't like to sit idle, I spent my recovery weeks designing and creating these reusable gift bags, with $1.00 from each bag being donated to BCNA (Breast Cancer Network Australia).
Pay It Forward Bags are durable, reusable, fabric Christmas gift bags designed to reduce the ridiculous wastage of Christmas wrapping paper as well as providing gift givers and receivers with beautiful packaging for their gift.​
The bag is designed to be "paid forward". For example, the receiver can re-gift the bag to someone else the next day, week or next year! Inside each bag is a small note card for logging the giver and receiver first name, location, and date the bag was paid forward.
Over time, the history of the bag and its global receivers will be shared with the future gift bag receivers - sharing its journey of being 'paid forward'.
$10.00 each